Direct purchase property from builder

Buying a home under construction in addition to the economic benefits (costs about 10% less of a house already built), she's also other advantages. For example, the ability to make changes, to personalize it, etc.. In contrast, however, are necessary precautions definitely greater than the cost to buy an existing house.

In practice, the buyer agrees to pay to the manufacturer of the interim final price agreed, as they carry out the construction work. This method, called to the progress, has a double meaning: on the one hand serves as a funding for the manufacturer warrants to the other to pay only the achievement of specific objectives (eg. Foundations, roof, etc. ).

This method of payment was not enough to guarantee the buyer on the good end of the work, it could also happen that the manufacturer went bankrupt and consequently interrupt the work, leaving buyers without a home or money. To find a solution to this serious problem, the Council of Ministers dated 21/07/2005 has approved a legislative decree aimed at protecting those who buy from the manufacturer.

The most important points of this decree are the following:

The warranty on the payments made by the purchasers. The manufacturer is obliged, under penalty of nullity of the contract, to provide bank guarantees or insurance on the sums collected. In the event of a crisis, the purchaser can claim such a guarantee to obtain a refund of the amount paid.

10 year warranty. The manufacturer and 'forced to contract and to deliver to the purchaser upon the transfer of the property' a ten-year indemnity insurance policy for the benefit of the purchaser and with effect from the date of completion of works to cover direct physical damage to the property including damage to third parties, which is required under Article 1669 of the Civil Code, resulting from total or partial ruin or by serious construction defects of the works, for vice soil or down the building, and in any event which occurred after the execution the final contract for the sale or assignment.

The limits to the possibility of revocation. Buyers who within 12 months of purchase establish their residence in the property, if purchased at the right price, are not subject to revocation action in the event of failure of the builder.


The establishment of the solidarity fund. To provide protection for damage suffered as a result of the insolvency of builders, will serve to compensate the victims of failures in progress at December 31, 1993 or still open at the time of entry into force of the decree and will be managed by the occupation of public space.


The Advantages

Savings. The cost of a house under construction is generally lower by about 10% compared to that of a house already built.

Ability to change the structure. Ability to make corrections or changes to the house, we need a second bathroom, or closet, or interest us more space to devote to the living area by sacrificing a little sleeping area, are all possible options and cost if made when the house must yet to be built or the beginning of the work.

Customization. You can choose a floor in marble or parquet floors, as well as you can choose all the details that give personality to the house: color of the tiles, fixtures, fittings, double glazing, air conditioning, etc. .. things that could also be implemented in an existing house, but surely that would cost much more.

Space optimization. A home designed and built today offers a cut without wasting sqm. and more functional spaces.

Preparing new technologies. Generally it is already prepared for the new technologies: broadband internet, home theater, fiber optic, satellite TV, air conditioning, etc. ..

Energy savings. It will cost less heat it, in fact, the design criteria of today provide thermal insulation, or even alternative energy sources: solar, geothermal, rainwater recovery, etc. ..

New house. For years will be needed renovation, or repair of facilities. Everything is new then the serenity to not have bad surprises.

Insurance of the manufacturer. The manufacturer is obliged to insure the house for 10 years against any manufacturing defect.

Benefits First House. Even buying from the manufacturer you can enjoy the benefits first house and pay the VAT at 4% instead of 10%.

Favourable mortgage. Often buyers can qualify for favorable loan terms, taking on part of the loan that the manufacturer had already agreed with the bank, which are generally better than those who manage to get a private individual.



In view of the above advantages, we must consider that the purchase by the manufacturer must use precautions:


You can trust that the manufacturer? Go see the houses he has accomplished in the past gives us the opportunity to evaluate the way you work can also be helpful to talk to those who have already bought from the manufacturer to learn about other credentials of the manufacturer (eg, its seriousness, respect its commitments etc. ..)

Verification of their housing. You must make sure that the manufacturer has the license to build, or in the event of restructuring that has submitted a DIA (Declaration of Home Activity)

Certainty about the timing of implementation. Although the manufacturer shall declare as early as compromise the timing of implementation, it can happen that the delivery slip of the new house a few months than expected, this situation must be assessed not to run the risk of having to leave the house earlier when the new one is not ready yet.

Specifications. And 'the document in which the manufacturer specifies the description of the works and the type of materials used to build them. Must be the more analytical and specific as possible, eg. should not be accepted conditions like "material from the best brands," the seller must accurately identify the type and quality of the materials and installation companies, should be provided, and adjust not only the aesthetic issues but also plant and structural.




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