
Elevator installation mandatory in residential construction: the cases provided for laws

The lift is an essential tool to overcome the barrier of some significance, meets the criteria for designing accessible and inclusive, but the same technical standards for accessibility of buildings explains the cases where it can be omitted, as long as they meet certain condition.

The legislation requires compliance with the technical requirements to ensure accessibility, visitability and adaptability in private buildings and public housing.

Advantages using resin floors for the renovation of buildings: cost containment, many customizations, quick installation, possibility of application over existing floors

Despite the current downturn in the real estate market, what seems to be going by the greater of Italian investors are buying properties to renovate, through interventions on the floors and the skeleton can be sold with a good profit margin.

According to a recent report dell'AITEC (Italian Association of Technical Economic Cement) about the current real estate situation in Italy, in the last five years there would be a sharp decline in volumes (-32%) in the cement market. The market recovery against the brick mussel in fact some of the characteristics of the Italian legislation: if it is true that the state coffers are blocked by the weight of a large public debt, the data of the Bank of Italy show that the net wealth of Italian families amounts to approximately EUR 350 thousand (200 thousand if we consider only the housing stock), because although the question "physiological" of housing and the wealth of Italian households constitute the factors necessary and sufficient conditions for a resumption of the market, modest gains and the lack of attention of the legislature suggests that we can further decrease in the market.

Building wooden house: advantages, disadvantages, cost, convenience, durability, key features, energy saving

The wood for a long time in history was a material used in construction, but with the advent of reinforced concrete was a material almost forgotten. In recent years, however, have rediscovered the features and advantages of this material sustainable construction that protects against noise pollution, air pollution and electromagnetic, cost-effective, lightweight, invulnerable to the earthquake but also influenced by environmental conditions in which it is inserted.

How to earn renovating a house: analysis, case studies and tips

Make money from a home renovation is not trivial. Here are some tips for making a good investment

More and more often we find in front of TV programs or even reality show on how to renovate the house and make some money. The fever rages of the housework, and many think that it can be a good way to conclude profitable sales on the housing market. In fact, the operation is more complex than it may seem. It just makes it as an investment in a few very specific cases.

Durability wooden buildings: natural duration, actual duration, lasting foundations and some examples

Despite the recent and encouraging the rediscovery of the quality of wood by many designers, in Italy the term "wood in building construction" (speak "wooden architecture" is misleading and overly optimistic) means roofs (at best), railings for balconies, porches or sheds for agricultural use. All right, someone will say, there are also those beautiful polished floors where you can mirror yourself and those coatings that cost a fortune but they do so trendy ... but here the story ends. This is due to a whole range of cultural reserves, or rather, ancient prejudices and unjustified fears that lead to distrust what actually is the material, even the material par excellence. Few people know this, but the Latin word originally meant material fact "timber", and it is not a coincidence that even today wood is translated in Portuguese and Spanish term madeira madeira.

How to choose the flooring that best suits your needs: analysis types, methods of installation, size and thickness planks, variety finishes

The parquet has become all the houses in a very important piece of furniture. Its presence in the rooms makes them warmer, providing a feeling of preciousness and luxury. In recent years the parquet market has evolved a lot and all the manufacturers have churned out new types and characters.

Today the choice of flooring because of the large number of varieties and types purchaser requires greater attention and information. In this small guide will try to help those who have to buy the new floors for your home to orientate better.

Resin flooring: installation method, the main features and maintenance techniques

The constant improvement of the resin, initially used in industry, allowed to impose itself in the home and use it to enrich the environments as you like: smooth, glossy, matte, colored, transparent ..

The floors in the resin can then be made with different techniques that allow to obtain risultai different.

This allows you to give the floor a high artistic value, enhancing the space to your liking.

"Floor-resin" is resistant to wear, scratches and abrasion, perfect continuity and therefore easy to clean.

What are the wooden aluminum windows, which are the main features and benefits that they provide?

The wooden window frames aluminum represent an excellent investment for your home, on a shoestring budget, you can save money in electric bills

The provisions contained in Law by decree 102/05 and subsequent amendments, introduce and make mandatory the drafting of the energy certificate for each property.

This mandatory document, to be issued by the designers of the dwelling is therefore necessary in the actions of buying a property, the lack of this certificate can even void the contract. Such as household appliances, even the buildings will have an energy rating of belonging, this is because the energy is now a necessity, saving is no longer a choice but an obligation.

What are the main features of the platform lifts and stair lift systems? Overview of areas installation, technical requirements, dimensions, space requirements


For stair lift (or stair) is a device that moves in both directions, for sliding on an inclined plane (on the side of a staircase). To lift platform shall mean a lifting system with vertical axis in a hoistway defined



The above lifting means, can be installed under the following cases:

- Preferably to overcome differences in height maximum of 4 m

How to insulate a building: some advice on the choice of materials and operations to be performed

The thermal insulation of the building is an important intervention in the energy savings, and requires technical expertise in establishing appropriate material and thickness, but in view of the incentives for investment in the construction sector aimed at increased energy efficiency of the buildings we read a bit 'of what it is and how to intervene.

The type of construction or the type of insulation depends on several factors, including the preferences of the client, but to get a low-energy building is preferable to adopt specific models of construction and precise architectural forms. In this case, the compactness of the building is the first characteristic of energy saving, where the dispersive surface is reduced to a minimum and the protrusions, indentations, the joints should be avoided as much as possible.

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